Iamhere thanks for taking the time to read the article and for your feedback.
Some of this is probably a matter of terminology as the names for rounds are constantly changing and in Silicon Valley, they often differ from elsewhere. From what I’ve seen, for a pre-seed round (<$1M as a rough amount), yes, most VCs won’t invest unless they are Micro VCs. For the Seed round (few million), there are many Early Stage VCs ($100M+ funds) that will do those deals these days. It seems like the Seed has become the new ‘A’.
Yes, I don't think cold emails should be your primary approach, which is why I tried to layout strategies to try to get intros to investors first. The previous article talks about leveraging your network, so I didn’t touch on it much here. However, cold outreach can work and I don’t think should be discounted. For example, for the Hustle Fund (a popular Micro VC), 15% of their investments are cold. Far from a majority, but not impossible, and there’s little opportunity cost to try.
FFF is accurate. There is a lot of money to be made — and lost — at the pre-seed.
Thanks again for the feedback!