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Our Startup’s Tech Stack

Along with discounts to save yourself some time and money

First-Time Founder
3 min readOct 30, 2020


Updated October 2020

Finding the right products to use and looking for discount programs can be time-consuming. Here’s our tech stack along with discounts to save yourself some time. These aren’t affiliate links, just products we like.

Products w/Discounts

Stripe Corporate Card

If you use Stripe’s Corporate Card, there are a lot of discounts that come with it like:

  • Airtable (database): $2,000 in credit for up to 5 users for 20 months
  • Carta (cap table): Access to Launch and 20% off + waived implementation fees
  • Gusto (payroll and benefits): 3 months free
  • A lot more: Slack, Notion, Expensify, etc.

Some of their discounts aren’t as good as going through the companies directly—so double check before you use one.

How to get it: Apply here

Mercury Bank

  • Bank for startups (I didn’t know I could like a bank so…



First-Time Founder

Helping first-time founders learn from my mistakes so they can operate like serial entrepreneurs. 👉 Subscribe to receive new posts: